Director: William Bohne
202 728-6016
What's New in Railroad:
The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has announced that during the lapse in Federal funding for certain Government operations which began October 1, ongoing benefit payments will continue and all RRB offices are expected to remain open.
Railroad National Health and Welfare Plan NEW!
IBEW Members Employee Monthly Cost Share Rate Set
Reduced to $198 Through June 2016
Railroad Health & Welfare
The Railroad insurance providers have just launched a new website for all of our members covered under the National Health and Welfare plan. It's called the Railroad Information Depot. This is a new one stop website for all of our members regardless of who their H & W providers are, and covers all of their insurance including health, dental, vision, life, and sickness. All RR H & W information will be posted on this site.
Welcome to the New RR Information Depot Website...
Also new: Railroad National Health & Welfare Mobile Solutions.
Railroad National H & W Mobile Solutions...
Visit the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan
One-stop Link for All Your Health & Welfare Needs
New articles and updates monthly...
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - January 19, 2012
National Freight Railroads 2012 Fully Executed Agreement
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - January 5, 2012
IBEW Members Overwhelmingly Ratify
Railroad National Agreement
IBEW Railroad members overwhelmingly ratified the National Freight Agreement by a vote of 75 percent in favor of the agreement and 25 percent against. The votes were tallied on Wednesday January 4th by the IBEW Railroad Department with the assistance of the Railroad General Chairmen from System Councils 2, 6, 9, and 16. The agreement, based on the recommendations of Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) 243 can be found on the IBEW website under the Railroad Department section (click here).
“The month-long ratification process has finally come to an end, and our members have made a wise decision” stated IBEW President Ed Hill. “This agreement, reached in record time, will provide our members with a decent standard of living well into the future.”
The railroads will be notified immediately of our members’ decision, and we will work with them to have the terms implemented in a smooth and timely fashion. Retroactive wage payments should be made within 60 days of ratification, and lump sum payments within 90 days.
Our thanks go out to the General Chairmen and Local Representatives who worked so hard to obtain this agreement and have it ratified. Our solidarity has surely paid off. If you have any questions pertaining to the agreement, please contact IBEW Railroad Department Director Bill Bohné or your General Chairman.
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - December 1, 2011
Tentative Agreement Ratification Packages
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - November 15, 2011
Tentative Agreement Reached with Railroads
Ratification Process to Begin
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - November 5, 2011
Presidential Emergency Board Issues Report -
Negotiations With Railroads Scheduled
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - October 21, 2011
Presidential Emergency Board Holds Hearings -
Recommendation Report Due By November 7th
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - October 6, 2011
National Rail Strike Averted For At Least Another 60 Days
President Obama Appoints Presidential Emergency Board - Read the Executive Order
White House Press Release
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - September 6, 2011
NMB Releases IBEW From Mediation - IBEW & 10 Other Rail Labor
Unions Released Stage Set to Bring the Bargaining Process to an End
Release Letter - NMB Case Number A-13574 NCCC-IBEW Electrical Workers
UV Safety Month: Tips to Help Keep Your Health On Track! - July 25, 2011
Since July is UV Safety Month, summer is the one of the best times to be aware of the
dangers of UV (ultraviolet) rays and the importance of protecting your skin...
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - June 16, 2011
UTU Reaches Agreement with Railroads. IBEW Coalition and RLBC Consider
Agreement Inadequate and Continue to Press for Release From Mediation
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update - February 18, 2011
Coalition of Rail Labor Unions Again Requests Release From Mediation
IBEW - Amtrak Agreement Ratified
October 18, 2010
The tentative agreement reached late last month between the IBEW and Amtrak was ratified on October 18th by a vote of 336 in favor and 295 against. The agreement, which is retroactive back to June 1st, 2010, covers approximately 1300 IBEW Electrical Workers nationwide – represented by IBEW Railroad System Council No. 7, and approximately 20 Amtrak Supervisors in the Northeast – represented by IBEW Local 1573. The 5 year agreement provides for wage increases of approximately 15% over its term and caps employee cost sharing on Health and Welfare premiums. Read more...
National Rail Negotiations On the Fast Track
October 4, 2010
Unions Request, and Are Granted, Mediation in Just Six Months.
Health Care Reform Changes
Coming January 1 ,2011
The Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan
Attention Railroad Members Covered Under the Railroad National Health and Welfare Plan. In an effort to provide you with better quality service, United Behavioral Health (UBH) , your Mental Health and Substance Abuse insurance provider, has just announced a “pilot program” to expedite services you may need.
National Freight Railroad Bargaining Begins (PDF)
RRB Release - June 2014: RRB Appeals Procedures New!
RRB Release - May 2014: Working After Retirement
RRB Release - April 2014: Medicare for Railroad Families
RRB Release - March 2014: Benefits Under Railroad Retirement and Social Security
RRB Release - February 2014: Federal Income Tax and Railroad Retirement Benefits
RRB Release - January 2014: RRB Reports Performance Under Customer Service Plan
RRB Release - December 2013: Reporting Events That Can Affect Railroad Retirement Benefits
RRB Release - November 2013: Dual Benefit Payments
RRB Release - October 2013: The Importance of a Current Connection for Railroad Retirement Benefits
RRB Release - September 2013: Railroad Retirement Age Reductions
RRB Release - August 2013: RRB Financial Reports
RRB Release - July 2013: New Benefit Year for Railroad Unemployment and Sickness Benefits
RRB Release - June 2013: Applying for a Railroad Retirement Annuity
RRB Release - May 2013: Railroad Retirement Spouse and Widow(er)s' Annuities and Public Service Pensions
RRB Release - April 2013: Disability Annuities for Railroad Employees
RRB Release - March 2013: Benefits Under Railroad Retirement and Social Security
RRB Release - February 2013: Acting for Impaired Railroad Retirement Beneficiaries
RRB Release - January 2013: RRB Customer Service Plan Update
RRB Release - December 2012: Longevity of Railroad Retirement Beneficiaries
RRB Release - November 2012: Railroad Retirement Survivor Benefits
RRB Release - October 2012: Credit for Military Service under the Railroad Retirement Act
RRB Release - September 2012: Railroad Retirement Annuities and Pensions from Work Not Covered by Social Security or Railroad Retirement
RRB Release - August 2012: Buy-outs and Railroad Retirement Benefits
RRB Release - July 2012: RRB Financial Reports
RRB Release - June 2012: New Benefit Year for Railroad Unemployment and Sickness Benefits
RRB Release - May 2012: RRB Offers Convenient Customer Service Options Through Online and Automated Phone Systems
RRB Release - April 2012: Benefits Under Railroad Retirement and Social Security
RRB Release - March 2012: Railroad Retirement Spouse Benefits
RRB Release - February 2012: Federal Income Tax and Railroad Retirement Benefits
RRB Release - January 2012: RRB Customer Service Plan Update
RRB Release - December 2011: RRB Appeals Procedures
RRB Release - November 2011: Dual Benefit Payments
RRB Release - October 2011: The Importance of a Current Connection for Railroad Retirement Benefits
RRB Release - September 2011: Deemed Service Month Credits
RRB Release - August 2011: Working After Retirement
RRB Release - July 2011: RRB Financial Reports
RRB Release - June 2011: New Benefit Year for Railroad Unemployment and Sickness Benefits
Read More: RRB Office of the Labor Member
United Health Care Retirement Specialists...
Railroad "National" Health and Welfare Plan Institutes Weight Control and Smoking
Cessation Wellness Programs...
Railroad “National” Health and Welfare providers, including Aetna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield
and United Health Care, all offer identical or similar programs.
United Health Care Institutes New Program to Make Premium Payments Easier...
UnitedHealthcare Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Is Here for All
GA- 23111 Plans and COBRA Enrollees...
See the IBEW Home Page Video Player
for Senator Joe Biden's Address to
the 2008 IBEW Railroad Conference...
Obama Pledges Support for Amtrak and Railroad Workers (PDF)
"Thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts with you about the
importance of supporting our nation's passenger trains and intercity railroad
transportation systems..."
McCain's Rail Record (ppt)
McCain's votes and public statements indicate he opposes unions, collective bargaining, transportation security spending and transportation investment.
Contribution Levels Set for Railroad National Health and Welfare Plan for 2010
Read this letter from IBEW International president Ed Hill outlining negotiations over contribution rates for national plan for U.S. railroad workers and efforts to control costs.
Important Message about Railroad National Health and Welfare Plan...
New Federal Law Requires Health Insurance Companies to Obtain Social Security Numbers of All Covered Employees and Dependents.
Railroad Employees’ National Health and Welfare Plan - Important Life Insurance Update, May 16, 2008
Life Insurance Benefit for Railroad Employees Covered by the National Health and Welfare Plan – Accelerated Benefit Option Now Available to Active Employees.
Health and Welfare Aetna Dependent Audit Update
UnitedHealthcare Railroad Information DepotSM
Amtrak PEB Report
2008 Amtrak Agreement
2008 Amtrak Contract Summary
Amtrak Retroactive Pay and New Wage Summaries:
Amtrak IBEW_Chicago Rates @ 173.3hrs - Feb08
IBEW Ratification 173.3 Hrs. Foremen
IBEW Ratification 173.3 Hrs
How does working after retirement affect your annuity under the Railroad Retirement Act?
Read the latest information from the
Railroad Retirement Board (here)
or visit www.rrb.gov for more information
About the Railroad Department:
Although jet travel has supplanted railroads as the passenger mode of choice, and the highway system is the principal venue for product transportation, railroads are still alive and well in North America. In the United States, approximately 40% of all freight is shipped by rail, while in Canada, the figure is 71%. IBEW members play a major role in keeping this vital mode of transportation rolling.
Railroad electricians inspect, test, assemble, install, remove, dismantle, connect, disconnect, rebuild, overhaul, adjust, wire, wind, load, calibrate, balance strip, align, clean and lubricate all electrical and electronic equipment and components in all railroad shops, yards and buildings.

IBEW railroad communications technicians perform all types of work generally recognized as communications work per their agreements with various carriers. They work with microwave, radio, telephone and other communications devices, apparatus and equipment in the course of operating, maintaining and repairing these systems in shops, yards and buildings and on locomotives. The IBEW also represents several other classes of railroad workers as certified and per agreements with particular carriers.
